Greenwash Awards 2017 - English

What is Greenwashing?

When companies, organizations or people act a lot greener than they actually are they are in fact greenwashing. An example? In 2015 the Nuclear Forum received the Greenwash Award. This Forum, a part of the nuclear lobby, uses the climate crisis as an opportunity to promote nuclear energy as a clean alternative (but stays nice and quiet about nuclear waste and all the dangers linked to nuclear energy). Last year our Flemish Minister for Environment Joke Schauvliege was awarded for her "trees are meant to be cut down”-policies.

In other terms: Whoever cooks up a green or sustainable image for him or herself, which is completely unjustified, is openly running as a candidate for the Greenwash award. You can watch a short video of our first Greenwash Conference here.

New Awards, New Candidates

Lampiris, Consumeat and the Autosalon are this year’s nominees. Click on the different candidates and find out why they are contending for the Greenwash Award. Further down below you can vote for your favorite candidate!



With more then half a million visitors, the autosalon is by far the biggest car-expo of Belgium. The salon is orgaized by Febiac, the automobile Federation. Big autoconcerns love using these kind of expositions to show of their "clean green" cars. 



Energyconcern Lampiris seduces it's customers with clean energy and low prices. What they don't mention is that in june 2016 the company was bought by Total, on of the biggest oil concerns in the world. 



Initiatives like "Hundred days without meat" are gaining popularity each year, which doesn't sit will with the meat industry. As a countermove the innovation platform Flanders Food, together with the meat industry and the Flemish Government, started Consumeat: a project meant to rebrand and revitalize the reputation of meat in Flanders.